The Power
of a Story

Quick Dip
Length: 90 Minutes
Delivery: Virtual
Cohort: 12 – 26
Cohort Cost: $1500
$200 pp for open courses
Deep Dive
Length: 4 Hours
Delivery: Virtual
Cohort: 12 – 26
Cohort Cost: $2500
$300 pp for open courses
In House
Length: 4 Hours
Delivery: In Person
Cohort: 12 – 26
Cohort Cost: $3500
$400 pp for open courses
As Part of a Programme
Length: By Agreement
Delivery: By Agreement
Cohort: 12 – 26
Cohort Cost: Custom Package

At the end of the course participants will have considered their current patterns and outcomes and learned key competencies for creating new options and enhancing joy.
Participants will understand more about HOW their patterns operate and HOW they can create spaciousness and choice, as well as access the Joy which is all around us here, in the present moment.
Introduction and Icebreaker
Connecting to your purpose
What Drives you?
What do you want your legacy to be?
What do you want people to say about you when you are gone?
What is the mission of your organisation?
How does this connect to your personal purpose?
Neurological Levels of Influence
HOW connecting to Purpose effects dramatic and lasting change and promotes JOY in what we do
A bit about the brain
The basics of how our brain works
The brain’s threat detection system
The feedback loop between the brain and body
How we can use this to create more JOY
Taking stock
What are the results / inner states that we are currently experiencing?
HOW are we creating those results/states?
What is it that we actually want?
What would need to be different for us to feel the way that we want to?
Creating Joy in your life and work
How we can influence our inner state
Identifying unhelpful thoughts and patterns
Creating helpful thoughts and patterns
How serving others can create JOY
Celebrating work
Celebrating life
Key Takeaways and Questions
Summary and close
A PDF of the key learnings will be provided.
Proposed Post Work
Daily micro meditation practice
Optional Extra – Post Session Group Coaching
Guide participants through applying the principals for creating joy and escaping negative thought cycles to specific situations with their lives.
Alternate between explaining / refreshing on the process step by step in plenary and working in pairs to implement the steps.
Participants will exit the session with:
Specific guidance about the areas they wish to work on
An understanding that what feels the most personal is the most universal.
Length: 60 Minutes
Delivery: Virtual
Participants: Maximum of 6 – even numbers ideal
Cost: $250 per session
Optional Extra – Post Session 1:1 Coaching
Guide the participant through applying the principals for creating joy and escaping negative thought cycles to specific situations with their life.
Explain / refresh on the process step by step and coach the participant to implement the steps to specific situations within their life.
The Participant will exit the session with:
Specific guidance about the areas they wish to work on
An understanding that what feels the most personal is the most universal.
Length: 60 Minutes
Delivery: Virtual
Participants: 1
Cost: $150 per session / or $120 per session if 10 or more are booked
All elements of the programme can be tailored to meet the needs of your organisation.
The Platform is negotiable however Zoom or Google Meet are the preferred platforms due to the ease of creating and managing breakout rooms, using collaborative tools such as whiteboards and both personalised and group chat.
The costs indicated include:
Design, development and tailoring of material.
Up to two session outline consults and subsequent revisions of material.
Delivery of the sessions.
Capturing and reporting on feedback from the sessions.