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Neuro Linguistic Programming

When I was nine years old, I spilled a bottle of Lavender perfume in the car just before we had to go on a 3.5 hour drive with 546 bends in the road.  Sitting in the back of the car being thrown around corner after corner, boy did I feel sick.  


To this day I cannot stand the smell of Lavender.  I know that it is unlikely to harm me, but my body just says NO. ​My brain has formed an association between the smell of lavender and the sensation of feeling sick.

Our own threat protection systems can can keep us prisoner to unwanted states and behaviour.

Our unconscious mind works to protect us from perceived threat.  

Every time we experience trauma, unpleasantness, or emotional pain, our unconscious mind stores a memory linked to a sensory trigger. 

When that trigger occurs again our body responds with a response designed to deter us from the perceived threat, - to protect us (even if it's misguided). ​

This can result unwanted states like fear, anxiety, anger, rage or jealousy and unhelpful coping mechanisms like addiction, numbing behaviours, violence or angry outbursts.

How NLP Helps

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has been used since the 1970’s to work with the unconscious mind to reprogram our responses to triggers that are no longer serving us.

NLP speaks directly to the unconscious mind through metaphor and precise language patterns. NLP master practitioners have coded the way numerous exemplars in their field achieve excellence so that this can be replicated and this is how many of the effective NLP techniques used came into being.

​The methods are very simple, based on changing perception and behaviour and could include guided visualizations, association exercises, and simple conversation

NLP uses language in a strategic way to change thoughts and unwanted behaviour patterns and works to modify unconscious bias and shift limiting beliefs.

NLP can also help to move us from our current inner state to a desired inner state and to help transform our belief of what is possible for us. 

NLP Coaching gets effective results fast.

It is astounding how quickly my clients overcome lifelong self imposed limitations and do things they could never have imagined such as confidently presenting in public, setting boundaries with people, communicating effectively in meetings and shifting from feeling like they are trapped with no control to seeing the limitless possibilities that lie within themselves and bringing those to reality.

Like my association with lavender and feeling sick, we have all have thousands of unwanted associations (neurons that fire together wire together).

Many self help gurus like the very popular Tony Robbins use NLP techniques and concepts which are the core of their approach to achieving the life you want.


NLP and Neuroplasticity

Once scientists believed that we were stuck the way we were, the discovery of Neuroplasticity, (the brain's inherent ability to change itself by growing new neural connections and allowing unused ones to wither away) has revolutionized psychology, psychiatry and the wellbeing movement. Neuroplasticity which occurs at every stage of life means that it is possible to change dysfunctional behaviour and  patterns of thinking and to develop new mindsets, new memories, new skills, and new abilities.

The application of NLP techniques can both accelerate and bring intentionality to the brain's natural ability to create change.


Experience it for Free

I am a qualified NLP Practitioner who studied under the renowned Sue Knight, author of NLP at Work.


If you want to expereince the incredible rapid change possible with NLP, book a free Chemistry Call with me it's a no obligation free mini session in which you will experience a shift.

What do you have to gain?

“It is better to light a candle, than complain about the darkness”

-Ancient Chinese Wisdom

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