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Are you Dealing with your Issues?

... or are your problems dealing to you?

In life, we all encounter challenges and obstacles, but how we perceive and respond to them can profoundly shape our experiences. It's easy to find ourselves expending enormous amounts of energy fixating on our problems, leaving little room for addressing the issues that demand our immediate attention in the present moment.

Recognizing the Difference

Let's begin by distinguishing between 'problems' and 'issues.' Problems typically consist of external factors that are laden with uncertainties, fears, and worries. They are the 'what-might-happen' scenarios that can cast shadows over our lives and lead to an avalanche of 'what-ifs.'

On the other hand, 'issues' represent our internal state and the actions we must take. Empowerment resides on this side. It's about directing our focus toward 'Actions I need to take right now.' Instead of getting lost in a sea of problems, this proactive approach fosters a more constructive and helpful perspective.

Mindfulness: Embracing the Present

In the grand scheme of things, we have limited control over external factors. Life, as the 'Problems' side of the graphic illustrates, is inherently unpredictable. Nevertheless, we maintain full control over our internal responses and actions.

Mindfulness plays a pivotal role in redirecting our focus from problems to issues. By encouraging us to be fully present and to acknowledge the 'here and now,' mindfulness helps us embrace the reality represented by the 'what is' label beneath both sides of the graphic. Being mindful allows us to accept our current circumstances without judgment, enabling us to identify and address the 'issues' at hand. By immersing ourselves in the present moment, we can channel our energy into actions that bring about positive change.

Acceptance of What Is

Acceptance doesn't imply that we necessarily like or wish to perpetuate our current circumstances, nor does it signify surrender. Instead, it's about reconciling ourselves with reality. When we internally resist 'what is' because we desire it to be different or think it 'should' be, we inadvertently make life more challenging for ourselves. Think of all the mental energy we expend wishing for the world to be different; It is like trying to get somewhere by walking out into thin air, almost certainly you will find yourself falling!

Accepting that things are as they are is akin to having solid ground beneath our feet, even if that ground is uneven or challenging.

Manifestation: Transforming Actions into Outcomes Once we shift our focus to 'issues' and engage in mindful actions, we unlock the power of manifestation. This is a naturally occurring process where we continually shape our inner reality, which subsequently influences the world we inhabit.

As we take purposeful actions to address our 'issues,' we draw closer to our goals and aspirations. This transformative process not only resolves challenges but also imbues our daily lives with a sense of purpose and progress. Rather than feeling trapped in a hopeless state, we perceive ourselves on a continuum of improvement, which fosters energy, enthusiasm, and joy in our day-to-day existence.

It's perfectly natural to become entangled in the 'problems' that life presents. However, allowing these problems to overwhelm us can lead to a profound sense of powerlessness. The key is to pivot our focus toward 'issues' and practice mindfulness in the present moment. By doing so, we can harness the power of manifestation, seize control of our actions, and mold a brighter future.

Remember, it's not about allowing problems to define you but about recognizing the issues within your control and taking proactive steps to craft the life you desire. In making this choice, you empower yourself to confront any challenge that life may throw your way.

So, are you dealing with your issues, or are your problems dealing to you? The choice is yours.

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