Imagine the confusion that would ensue if you pulled up to a fast-food drive-through window and started telling them what you didn't want.
How often do we find ourselves doing the same thing in our daily lives, telling others and ourselves, what we don't want instead of expressing what we actually desire?
Compare the impact of these statements:
1) Ensure that you are not late.
2) Being punctual is of utmost importance.
1) Don't lose this sale.
2) Acquiring this customer is crucial.
1) Do not run around the pool.
2) Walk when you're near the pool.

Our brains have difficulty processing negations. The second options in each pair still contain the underlying idea of lateness or loss.
What the unconscious mind hears:
1) Ensure that you are 😶🌫️late.
1) 😶🌫️️ lose this sale.
1) 😶🌫️ run around the pool.
Counter productive much??
Have you ever:
👉 Become aware that your hands were full and thought to yourself, “I might drop my phone” and then moments later ended up dropping it?
👉Been playing sports and thought I might not catch the ball and then missed it?
👉 Thought I might slip over and ten slipped?
It’s like we have created an unconscious instruction for our mind to follow.
Our unconscious minds constantly work to fulfil our desires.
👉👉👉By focusing on what we truly want, we can tap into the power of our unconscious mind to achieve our goal. 👈👈👈