In this series we are unpacking the most common issues that people looking for coaching contact me about. These first episodes unpack elements about dealing with stress😫, more specifically techniques to reduce Internal Pressure

Internal Stress Hack #3: Accept that you aren’t perfect
Not one human is perfect but that doesn’t stop us from expecting ourselves to be.
It’s not so often that we expect others to be perfect – but many of us do put internal pressure on ourselves to never make a mistake and always do everything well and can be unkind to ourselves if we think we have failed in some way.
This is a mindtrap that is very unhelpful to us.
This extra pressure really is so unhelpful and increases our stress load exponentially.
We can kill inner criticism with kindness to ourselves.
Whenever we notice ourselves being critical to ourselves about any aspect of our thoughts, behavior or being, we can:
👉 Create the intention to include ourselves in our circle of compassion
👉Thank our inner critic (limbic system in the brain) for trying to help us by bringing possible threats to our awareness
👉Consciously let go of the critical thoughts
Some people like to include a physical action that symbolizes letting go (ie putting your hand on your heart or blowing outward onto your palm, shaking it of etc, or carry a small object that symbolizes this intention that you could hold or touch in these moments) Kristin Neff, Ph.D. is widely recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on self-compassion, being the first one to operationally define and measure the construct almost twenty years ago pioneering scientific research into self-compassion. Her research shows incredible results from clinical trials of the application of self-compassion techniques.
She defines self-compassion as having 3 elements:
1. Common Humanity – knowing that many people struggle with this or things like this. We did not create our body's, emotions, mind, or the environments that we find ourselves in, we all just arrived in the world and are doing the best we can within our circumstances.
2. Kindness – as described in this post
3. Mindfulness – as talked about in the previous episode
Episode 4 soon!