This series explores common issues raised by people looking for coaching. Episodes so far are about dealing with stress😫more specifically techniques to reduce Internal Pressure
Our brain comes up with a lot of credible sounding hype…
He is such a…
I am such a…
Everything is….
I will never…
You always…
I’m so sick of…
If we believe the hype – and over identify with it, we go on quite the rollercoaster ride:
strapped in,
hard to ignore,
thrown all over the place,
with no way of getting off until it pulls up to the platform.
There are always the thrill seekers, people who love taking themselves for a ride just to feel alive.
BUT …everything gets old after a while, so if we don’t want to do another loop, how can we exit the platform?
👉Cultivating awareness of what is going on in our minds and not over identifying / believing our brain’s hype is a staircase that brings us closer to solid ground.
This morning I woke up feeling negative about doing the things I usually love and pessimistic about the future. I just had this yuk feeling in the pit of my stomach.
I almost got on the rollercoaster.
Then just like remembering a half-forgotten dream, I remembered I don’t really like the rollercoaster and I always feel sick for days afterward.
Suddenly instead of buying into the negativity, fusing with it, accepting this as how 'I' felt; I realised that these are just thoughts and feelings.
Instead of accepting them as how I truly felt - I noted to myself that I am experiencing negative thoughts today,
I let my mind lightly rest on the underlying feeling of dissatisfaction with genuine curiosity.
I reflected on what it has meant in the past when I have had that feeling.
I realised it was likely a result of not having given myself enough downtime to recover from the week (spending most of the weekend on LI because I was excited about my video post doing relatively well over the weekend)
I drew my attention to how the other day I felt very optimistic about the future and noted how transitory and insubstantial both the pessimistic and optimistic feelings were.
Hype doesn’t really stand up too much examination – that’s what makes it hype.
Don’t believe the hype